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Debate Tables

SPEECH SPACE: Impro and Social Political Speech

Date: 7/27 (Thursday)

from 17:30 to 18:30

at Biblioteca de Alcântara

(R. José Dias Coelho 27 - 29)





What do we say and how do we address social issues in our Impro? What speech do we make or reproduce in our scenic spontaneity? We are going to discuss different points of view from different cultures at this table that involves the daily social and political ctions that appear on the scene.



Billy Kissa (Greece/Belgium)



Alfred Chow (Canada)

Liron Levin (Israel)

Zeca Carvalho (Brazil/Portugal)

HOT SPOT: Space for Community Topics

Date: 7/29 (Saturday)

from 17:30 to 18:30

at Biblioteca de Alcântara

(R. José Dias Coelho 27 - 29)





What difficulties or delicate situations have you faced in your Impro group, project or community? Dealing with romantic relationships within the group, codes of conduct, creating a festival, drafting contracts, etc. Bring your questions and, as a group, we will share experiences about it and open our minds to possibilities.



Anne Buntemann (Germany/Portugal)


Participants: whoever is present

(it's a community table)

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