Who We Are
Who makes Irreverente?

Irreverente Festival
The Festival intends to bring together the impro community living in Portugal with other countries, by promoting an event with activities in Theater, Dance, Music and other forms of art.
Our irreverence seeks to break preconceived concepts, about the art of improvisation and the art that is created in contemporaneity, questioning and reaffirming, and mainly, breaking with the idea that differences distance us. Saying "Yes, and", the motto of improvisation. “Yes” for us and other people, “and” create together something that finds its own new rules.
Our Mission: Deconstruct judgments and preconceptions about art, ourselves and about the art we make, in order to find out authenticity at the rhythm of the Tejo river waves.
André Sobral (he/him/his) and Luana Proença (she/her/hers)
ANDRÉ SOBRAL is a Portuguese improviser, part of the ImprovFX group and creator of several shows and works in different groups in Portugal. Promotes workshops in Portugal in exchange with artists from other countries. He is a member of the European improvisation network Ohana.
LUANA PROENÇA is a Brazilian improviser and teacher, part of the groups Saída Sul (Brazil) and Lilimprov (Portugal). She is the translator of Status magazine into Portuguese and part of the European improvisation network The SIN. She is the author of "Our Direction on Stake: Directing is Part of Improvising" and co-author of "Have you ever wondered if...? Questions for Teaching Impro".

Artistic Directors
André Sobral (he/him/his), Lena Breuer (she/her/hers) and Feña Ortalli (he/him/his)
LENA BREUER studied acting and journalism and lost her heart to improv 14 years ago.
Today she is teaching and performing in Germany and all over Europe and the world. She taught and performed at german and international festivals and worked with improv superheroes like Keith Johnstone and Patti Stiles, in physical and scripted theatre, camera acting and clowning.
She is the founder of Impro Köln, a professional improv company and improv school in Cologne / Germany and the IFO Impro Fest, one of Germany´s biggest international festival.
Lena is teaching currently around 6 hours per
FENÃ ORTALLI began his acting career in 2001. In 2006 he created Global Impro, an improv troupe dedicated to national and international collaboration and exchange. He’s currently based in Madrid where he performs and teaches regularly. He also participates in several international festivals and tours with his shows and workshops all over the world. He’s the founder and director of Status Impro Magazine (2011); and the author of the book Impro: Dynamics of the Unexpected (2018). Since 2001 he worked in more than 70 cities.

[embuscada] is a theater company that produces itself. In addition to creating its shows, [embuscada] has developed production projects in the area of training, creating workshops of improvised theater, vocal technique, interpretation, among other artistic events such as Irreverente - International Improv Festival of Lisbon.

Bruno Águas (ele/dele)
+351 914061931
Need informations? To speak directly with the festival production?
Bruno Águas is our main contact.